Tag: Uncategorized

  • A mere 12 out of 30

    I-Spot Guide to the worst films ever. I honestly thought I’d get more than that. Catwoman’s on the shelf at home. That’ll help.

  • Extended Run

    Thanks to some excellent reviews and sold-out shows, I’m pleased to be able to say that A Christmas Carol has been extended through to the 11th January. Hoorah! Merry Christmas! God bless us, every one!

  • Lucid Dreaming

    As dreaming’s been coming up a lot recently in blogs I read, I thought it might be a good idea to teach you all how to lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is when you know that you’re dreaming, and can control the dream. I seem to recall reading a few years back that the most popular […]

  • A mountain; a road; some trees

    You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn’t actually dishearten you all that much. You are a thoughtful and cautious person. You like to think about your method, seeking to pursue your goal in the most effective way. You like following the rules and being objective. You are precise […]

  • Song Contest

    So I got this request from Dom. “Find a song that sums up what you think it means to be a writer and post the lyrics on your blog and why you’ve chosen it. NB: It doesn’t have to be your favourite song, it just has to express how you feel about writing and/or being […]

  • A Man Of Letters

    This Empire quiz challenges you to work out the name of the film based on just one letter in the poster. I got 20 out of 46. Now I’m off to look at the answers and kick myself.

  • My Space

    It’s the new blog craze that’s sweeping the nation. Here’s a picture of my workspace. Like so many others, it doubles as my bedroom. The bed’s just to your left. Since this picture was taken, El Pais has been covered with at least another three layers of cruft. Occasionally all of the magazines on the […]

  • Customer Service FAIL

    As I mentioned recently, I wrote to Heinz to complain about them pulling an ad with two men kissing. They wrote back to me today with the following: “Dear Piers Thank you for your recent email regarding the Heinz UK commercial for Deli Mayo. Consumer feedback is very important to us and we appreciate the […]

  • Hitting them in the bottom line.

    I think that at this point a boycott of Heinz products is in order. Three months should be long enough in the first instance to send a message to their accountants and executives. After that, I’ll look at it again. If you’re doing the same, you may also wish to send them an email to […]

  • 42 is not the answer.

    Well. If you live in the UK, you may have noticed that MPs in the House of Commons have just voted to extend pre-charge detention to 42 days. 42 days. That’s six weeks. Six weeks, in which you could be locked up in a cell with no idea what you were being accused of. Six […]