Three weeks isn’t a long rehearsal period by any stretch of the imagination, so we’re being very disciplined about it. The first week was for blocking – letting the actors know where and when they need to be on our stage. Then once they’ve got the mechanical aspects down, they can bring all their skill […]
Great Humbaba
That fella leering out of you from the front of our poster? That’s Humbaba. A demon with seven auras, the touch of any of which bring death. He’s also sometimes known as Huwawa, and the picture is of a clay mask made of the demon about 3,800 years ago and currently in the British Museum. […]
My new play Gilgamesh has its world premiere at the White Bear theatre in Kennington this October. I’m teaming up again with that giant of the stage Ray Shell, who previously directed my adaptations of A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist to great acclaim at the Lion & Unicorn theatre. The play is on at the White Bear theatre in Kennington […]