Month: June 2012

  • The Other Possessory Credit

    You’ve seen them already, but you may not know what they’re called. When a movie has the credit as “A Film By” followed by a name (and it’s almost always the director’s name), that credit is known as a possessory credit. The director is saying that the film is theirs.You can find a quick history of […]

  • Supermarket Sweep

    Just to let you know that my magazine Spaceships of Science Fiction is now available in your local supermarket. You can pick up a copy at Sainsbury’s the very next time you go shopping. Huzzah! (I believe it’s also available at Morrisons too, but I don’t have a local one of those to confirm.)

  • Infographics

    (EDITED – the first version of this graphic stated Vodafone were evading £5.75bn rather than £4.75bn. This one has the correct numbers.)