Intended to be humorous, or has no point about government policy.
Sadly, my petition to the Prime Minister has been rejected by the small-minded bureaucrats at Number 10. They’ll regret their short-sightedness when we all get turned into little cartoon people in 2012. I include a copy below in the hope that the Olympics Committee may take notice and opt to save us from the upcoming […]
Watch that fringe and see how it flutters
I’ve just been up in Edinburgh for the last few days checking out some new plays, most of which were OK and some of which were actually quite good. Unfortunately it wasn’t all like that. In the course of my sojourn I had what I can only describe as the quintessential Edinburgh Fringe experience. Picture, […]
Rockne O’Bannon
Some interesting thoughts from Rockne O’Bannon on how to create worlds for your characters to live in, which will inform their emotional lives.
I’m Gene Hunt. Your DCI. And it’s 1973.
Casting news from The Hollywood Reporter on the US version of Gene Hunt, the real hero of the magnificent Life on Mars. Colm Meaney is, apparently, in the final stages of negotiation. Just wanted to take a moment to point out what an excellent choice this is.
ITV to commission long-running series
Michael Grade announced today that ITV are specifically looking for long running series. To wit, “series that are on 14, 15, 16 weeks a year, on every year for three, four or five years”. This is interesting because this is the first ITV move towards the new UK commissioning model of longer-term returning series. This […]
Twisted, Genius, and Cute, all in one language. LOLCODE. A programming language for lolcats. Some examples follow. First… Well, what else could possibly be first? HAICAN HAS STDIO?VISIBLE “HAI WORLD!”KTHXBYE And here’s an if/then construct with some I/O action: HAICAN HAS STDIO?I HAS A VARGIMMEH VAR IZ VAR BIGGER THAN 10? YARLY BTW this is […]
The correct answer is: “A threesome.”
If you and a couple of female friends ever get drunk together, and you get to talking about sex, and they ask you what your favourite sexual fantasy is, the correct answer is “A threesome.” This is because to a certain extent, they have the power to help you out in this quest. And the […]
I know that a couple of you read this blog. Stay with me. This is important. The CIA factbook on Canada tells us it has a population of about 33 million. A little over half the population of the UK. They have a reasonably-sized film and television industry. Like the UK it’s supported in part […]
You gotta keep the devil way down in the hole…
It’s possible that I may have raved about The Wire to you already. And urged you to buy the DVD not tomorrow but right now. Course, you might be too poor to afford that twenty quid. Fair enough. Well, there’s no excuse to not watch any more. Because The Guardian is going to be streaming […]
Hammer Time
It was only a few years ago that I found out the truth about Hammer Films. As a youngster, I used to watch their movies as they came on the television late at night. Sex, death, blood, toplessness, and lesbianism. Obviously as a young teen these concepts had no effect on me at all. Hammer […]