Category: Uncategorized

  • The Beckley-Arnopp Cheltenham Scribomeet

    If you, like Jason Arnopp and I, are going to the Cheltenham Screenwriters Festival this year, you may have several things on your mind. Like “I don’t know any of these high-powered people. How will I get over my shyness and speak to anyone?” Or “Whose round is it?” Fortunately both of those questions can […]

  • 42 is not the answer.

    Well. If you live in the UK, you may have noticed that MPs in the House of Commons have just voted to extend pre-charge detention to 42 days. 42 days. That’s six weeks. Six weeks, in which you could be locked up in a cell with no idea what you were being accused of. Six […]

  • Stop This Deadly Musical Cult

    More than 99% of melancholia fans are now dead. Christine has the details.

  • …and breathe.

    I’ve just spent twenty minutes restoring a script from its backup. Which is really good, because for an hour or so there I thought I was going to have to type the whole thing in again. Which would not have made me a happy bunny. If you don’t have a backup system in place, get […]

  • Well-read. And not at all competitive.

    John August got 38, while the delightful Helen Smith clocks in at sixty-odd (I can’t remember the exact number) of the 1,001 books you should read before you die. I was pleasantly surprised to find I come in somewhere between 99 and 103. The extra four being books I remember starting, but can’t recall actually […]

  • High Concept


  • Single? Male? Thirties?

    You should go to the cinema tonight, and then pop out to a local bar afterwards. Seriously. It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

  • Indiana Jones and the Crushing Disappointment

    Well. That was a waste of money. When you’re watching a film and keep thinking: “Wow. That’s a great bit of production design,” then there’s something seriously wrong. Go see Iron Man instead. It has an actual honest-to-god story, that makes sense, that shows and doesn’t tell, has a subtext, and just as many things […]

  • Hooray!

    Steven Moffat has just been announced as the next showrunner for Doctor Who. This is immensely good news. Celebrate, then go about your business.

  • On-swa! On-swa!

    I’ve just finished playing Ico. It’s a game for the PS2 in which you have to escape from a castle – and take your companion with you. The game is beautifully drawn, and instead of music features a soundtrack of ambient sound: the wash of waves on cliffs, gulls crying on the wing. The light […]