Screenwriters’ Festival

Well, that’s my hotel booked for the Screenwriters’ Festival.

Apparently it’s like Glastonbury. Only without the drugs or the music, and with added writing and decent toilets.

OK, not much like Glastonbury at all then.

Instead, it’s four days of hanging out with other people in the industry, going to lectures, talking to writers and producers and directors, shooting the shit, and solving the problems of the world.

Not necessarily all at the same time. But probably.

I’m going for all four days, which is quite expensive at 364 quid, but I think it’ll be worth it. Also, as a writer, it’s a business expense. See? That’s a hundred quid saved in tax right there.

If you want to go but can’t afford it, you might want to consider the following options:

Me, I’m splurging on the Travelodge. Hope to see you there!

7 responses to “Screenwriters’ Festival”

  1. What a disgusting show of comaraderie. I bet you’re doing it on the sly. I’m right. Don’t tell me I’m wrong, because you know that’s untrue.

    Cast your vote Piers over at my blog on where you want to go for our Scribomeet…NOW!

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