The Science of the Lambs
So I accidentally bought a frozen leg of lamb rather than a fresh one while Internet Shopping last week. Fair enough, I thought, and bought a fresh one to eat that week, reasoning that I could defrost the frozen one overnight this weekend. Well, turns out that a big-ass leg of lamb takes a lot […]
My Two Dads
So Man of Steel was a huge success then. There was a lot of chatter when it was first released about some of the choices the writers made in the film. Admittedly this was usually expressed in a howl of “THAT’S NOT MY SUPERMAN YOU’VE BETRAYED MY CHILDHOOD!” nerdrage, but whatever. It also seems to […]
Giant Happy Crab Returns
Been a bit quiet around here recently, hasn’t it? Ahem. Really must try and do something about that. Pretend I have mysterious and exciting news that I can’t tell you about yet. That’s what writers generally do when they return to their blogs after a long absence, yes? (I don’t. OR IS THIS A CUNNING […]
The Beginning of the End
At last. The moment that Nick Clegg has been praying for for the last few years has finally come to pass. And you’d better believe he’s happy about it – even though, by the end, he’ll no longer be the leader of the Liberal Democrats. A little context. Back in May 2010, no single party […]
An Outing
So, within the last couple of years I’ve become aware of Sonnet 20. Yes. I’m behind the times. By approximately 400 years. Deal. Here’s how it goes: A woman’s face with nature’s own hand painted,Hast thou, the master mistress of my passion;A woman’s gentle heart, but not acquaintedWith shifting change, as is false women’s fashion:An […]
Three Mournings
I was living in Los Angeles when Ronald Reagan died. The body was lying in repose in the Presidential Library in Simi Valley, just to the north-west of LA, so I went to see it. I thought: I’ll probably never get the chance to pay my respects to such a historical figure again, so I […]
Just So Good
I’m pleased to be able to say that my wee theatre company will be reviving our production of The Just So Stories this Easter. This production will be at LOST Theatre on the Wandsworth Road, and will feature returning cast from previous productions, so you know you’re getting the good stuff. Still not convinced? Why […]
Snow Business
If you’re in the UK, odds are it’s been snowing near you for the last day or two. So yesterday, the lovely Mr James Moran challenged you to make stuff with snow. A short film. Some photography. Whatevs. Because it’s going to make whatever you do look much more expensive and lovelier. I’m at my […]
Red Table Theatre are offering a workshop on found-object storytelling. If you’ve seen any of our children’s shows, you’ll know that a lot of our theatre work has been based on storytelling using common or garden items to create characters, set, and environment. The way in which the objects are used is formed during rehearsals. […]
My First IMDb Credit
Well, this makes me very happy indeed.