Keeping it Quiet

If you’ve spent any time on the West Coast, you’ll know In-N-Out. A burger chain that only exists in the states of Nevada, California, and Arizona.

You can recognise them by the bright red plastic tops and the bright yellow arrow by the signage that just screams “Whooosh! Burger!”

All of which is really just by way of setting the stage.

There are four items – no more, no less – on the In-N-Out menu: Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Double-Double (two patties, two cheese) and French Fries. All cooked from fresh, and to order.

But in addition to those, In-n-Out offers a Secret Menu. The cashiers know about it, it’s coded into the registers, but it’s not mentioned in the restaurants.

Among the secret options are five-by-eights (five patties, eight cheese), protein style (comes in lettuce instead of a bun), or the mysterious Flying Dutchman (I’m not going to say, it’s just too weird).

Sh. Don’t tell anyone.

It’s a secret.

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