Tagged by John Soanes.
1) Put the link of the person who tagged you on your blog.
2) Write the rules.
3) Mention 6 things or habits of no real importance about you.
4) Tag 6 persons adding their links directly.
5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.
Two out of five ain’t bad. Let’s see if we can improve on that.
Thing The First
In my early twenties I contracted Bell’s Palsy. One of the nerves in my neck became inflamed, swelling and trapping the other, which resulted in complete paralysis of half of my face.
This led to such exciting symptoms as drooling and being unable to close one of my eyes properly (meaning I had to smush my face against the pillow to go to sleep).
The first symptom was a taste of iron in my mouth. The second was that, while out in a pub with an ex, she asked me if I was leering at her. After denying it, she told me to check my face in a mirror, which I promptly did, to discover half of it wasn’t working any more.
The diagnosis was that almost everyone gets completely better, and it just takes time. This proved to be true in my case, and the only remaining symptom is that when I eat spicy food, I cry – but only from one of my eyes.
Thing The Second
My first novel was written in a school exercise book, and went through several drafts.
(Well, I thought it was a novel at the time. It’s a novel in the same way that The Young Visiters is a novel. But I think Ms Ashford has a better style, if less ray guns.)
If you imagine the potboiling SF novels of the thirties with a dash of V, you’ll be in the right ballpark.
It came in six chapters, at the end of each our heroes were knocked unconscious.
I still have it somewhere.
No, you can’t read it.
Thing The Third
I’m cross-dominant.
Surprisingly, this isn’t a kinky sex thing, but means that while my dominant hand is my right (for throwing, catching, and so on), my dominant eye is my left.
This is not generally a problem in everyday life. However it’s a known problem in target shooting.
Should I ever wish to take up shooting – or alternatively, should I be forced to fight for survival in a terrifying post-apocalyptic world – I should try and shoulder the weapon on my left, rather than my right, in order to aim correctly.
Thing The Fourth
In primary school, I was in a school play.
Unfortunately, when I got onto stage, I was completely dry. Nothing. The line-thief had come and stolen everything from my brain.
I stumbled offstage very embarrassedly, and was so mortified I didn’t get on a stage again until university.
Which is a shame, because acting’s great. It’s fun, and as a writer you learn a lot.
And when you’re not a child, you know what? The other people working with you will help you out.
So it’s not scary at all.
Thing The Fifth
I adore cliffhangers.
This is probably a result of being raised on Doctor Who and 30s serials.
I love the way that they force you to wait for a resolution. How will our heroes escape? What’s going to happen next? Cliffhangers help your imagination to engage with a text in a way that a revelation ending doesn’t.
It makes me quite sad that no-one really does cliffhangers any more, except for the occasional two-parter in Doctor Who.
The first series of Alias was also notable for having a cliffhanger at the end of every episode.
Sadly, the Network made them stop it after the first series. Which made me sad.
Thing The Sixth
I dress to the left.
I tag, in alphabetical order by last name, Jason Arnopp, Phill Barron, Michelle Lipton, Christine Patton, Stuart Perry, and Danny Stack.
8 responses to “Unimportant Things”
Cross Dominant?
Oh, so that’s what it’s called. … I’ve got that quirk too.
You really didn’t want to know that, did you.
I heard you dress upwards. Shouldn’t believe everything I read on bus shelters, clearly.
*ahem* 5) Alert the persons that you tagged them.
Still waiting.
Phill: You’re it.
Eleanor: Who wouldn’t want to know that about you?
I read once that it also meant that people like us were likely to be really creative because we used both sides of the brain.
But I haven’t been able to source it, so it may have been completely made up.
I use both sides of my brain?
Twice the opportunity to screw up …
I also talk to myself – – occasionally out loud, which may explain why most poeple I know think I’m nuts.
They could be right.
It did come in useful in school when I joined the football team; my right foot was stronger, but my left foot was more accurate so I was deemed useful – despite being “a girl”. Apparently left-footers are rare.
I only consciously found out about my left eye dominance when a friend took me shooting – he tested for it before we started. Wish I’d known earlier in my life, I might not have been mangled at school for being a crap shot in netball, hockey, and the other tortures they put us through each week.
More useless information about me than anyone could ever want to know.